Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Out-Love Each Other

Years ago, I heard a preacher say that the only competition that should ever exist in a marriage is the competition to "out-love" the other person.  I have carried this sentiment with me ever since.  From the time The Husband and I married I always try to think of ways to "out-love" him, but his genuine and enormous heart typically wins at this game.  The Husband is the type of person that makes you want to be even better.  He is mindful of others and is constantly looking for ways he can help.  Everyday I become more and more grateful that he is my husband and I look forward to the many years we have ahead of us to out-love each other, together. 

In Edisto, he carried me to and from the water when I got too hot.
And when I was ready to go back in, he carried me to the house.
 At night, he'd sit with me while I iced my foot.

I love me some Husband.

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