Thursday, July 22, 2010

Listen to Your Mama!

So come with me into a world I very rarely ever step into...baking.  Mom called around her normal time today to check in on me and hearing the complete boredom and cabin fever in my voice she suggested something to keep me busy- bake something.  Well, ladies and gents, don't get too excited- I'm not Pioneer Woman yet, but there is something about using a mixer that makes you feel a connection with Kitty Foreman or Florence Johnston.  It's okay to spill a little flour and eat a little bit of the raw egg in the dough- nobody's watching.

Anywho, I cleaned out the cabinet taking note of the ingredients that I already had from some old one-hit wonders I had baked before and then went in search of a recipe that fit my ingredients.  I settle with Hershey's Kitchen's "Toffee Bits Cookies" because I just so happened to have a bag of toffee bits and ooooohhh how I love toffee.   
I got to beatin' and mixin' and stirrin' and then I got to worrin' about the dough.  "Beat together until well-blended."  Well-blended? How am I to know how well well-blended is?  But I keep mixing and I end up with this ooey-gooey stick to your ribs (and your hips) goodness...
 ...and that turned into these little ooey-gooey morsels that tasted so delicious that it shocked even me.
I was reassured that I had done a great job when The Husband came in for a taste test and walked out saying "You should listen to your mother more often."

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