Sunday, October 16, 2011

Something to Admire

The Husband and I just recently spent the night with two of the most incredible people to ever walk this earth.  They don't know it, but their every move and every word is watched and heard.  They are just that important to other people.  These two folks are loved so ridiculously by others.  Even more, they love each other wholeheartedly and when you are with them, you realize that their love for each other is contagious.  You see it and you immediately know what you want or rather, what you need.

After 64 years, she still cooks his breakfast and he still tells her it is the best he's ever had.  She still tells him that he makes her happy and he still jokes with her that it's because he's perfect.  She still worries about him and he still tells her that she needs to chill out.  She still occasionally tells stories wrong and he still reminds her of that.  He still teases her about growing old and she reminds him about how young he really is.  And after all this time, they continue to keep their promises to each other.

They can still tell about how they met, moved 7 different times, raised 3 hell-raising boys, and created the most amazing family of teachers, leaders, builders, protectors, mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters .  They can tell you stories upon stories about their journey together.   Each story's significance is echoed in how their life has unfolded and how their values live on through their children, grand-children, and great grand-children.  I am as thankful for each event as I am for the two of them. I admire their love for each other, their family, and for their life together- as it all comes from the deepest and purest parts of their hearts.


  1. Beautiful sentiments Emily...thanks for reminding all of us how rare and wonderful is the gift of a loving family that springs forth from two people who are devoted to each other for life.

  2. beautiful emily. i have grown to love them as my own and i am proud to know them and blessed to be touched so deeply by their lives. their wisdom, stories, tips, and teases echo in my heart every moment of the day. they are both inspirations to me and have taught me the importance of a loving family. they will live forever in all of us.

  3. Emily that couldn't be said any better.

