Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Giving "The Boot" the Boot

The Boot is gone.  It's been about a month since I starting wearing a left and right shoe daily.  It was a long and hot summer with that stinky wool boot, but we did have quite the good time together.
We rocked out with friends at Panic in Chicago and climbed the many stairs at Wrigley Stadium.
 We boogied again in Charlotte.
And quite possibly my favorite, we played air guitar together in Montana after doing a bit of hiking in Glacier National Park.

So now, I say goodbye to the boot.  As much as I enjoyed our many travels together, I am happy to see it walk out of my life forever.  I'm finally giving the boot to The Boot.


  1. Wow!!! I never considered your orthopaedic challenge in that light. I think you should keep it, seeing how the two of you must have many tales yet to be told!

  2. Why do you always fall in love with stinky things? Stray cats and dogs, boots, Chip... You're gonna be a wonderful Mom!
